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Cancilleria de Colombia

Misión permanente de Colombia ante las Naciones Unidas en Ginebra


The ILO is the multilateral organization that is responsible for developing and monitoring compliance with international labor standards.

It was founded in 1919 under the Treaty of Versailles and its Constitution was adopted the same year and subsequently complemented by the Declaration of Philadelphia in 1944.

It is the only organization of the United Nations with a 'tripartite' representation, as representatives of governments, employers and workers act jointly to decide on their policies and programmes. It accomplishes its work by establishing international norms related to work, monitoring compliance with these standards and through direct cooperation with the governments and so-called social partners, i.e. workers and employers.

The main organs of the ILO are :

To ensure compliance with international labor standards the ILO has established a supervisory system.

Colombia and  the ILO

Colombia is a member of the ILO since 1919

The country has ratified 61 conventions (54 currently in force) among which there are the 8 fundamental conventions. The Convention on domestic workers, 2011 (No. 189). is the most recent one to have been ratified (May 9, 2014).

Colombia, as a state, is a member of the Governing Body of the ILO. The Government of Colombia is an alternate member of the GB , Ms. Myriam Luz Triana ( CGT) is also an alternate representing the workers and Mr. Alberto Echavarria (ANDI) is  a titular member, he represents the employers.

The Government of Colombia chaired the Committee on the Application of Standards of the 103 Session of the International Labour Conference (Geneva, 28 May to 12 June 2014 ).

In June 2006 a "Tripartite Agreement on Freedom of Association and Democracy" was signed. It commits the tripartite parties to protect fundamental labor rights and to establish a permanent presence of the International Labour Organization in Colombia. The agreement was signed by the Government jointly with the Colombian unions and employers.


Statements of Colombia

PDF: Statement by the Government of Colombia at the Plenary Session of the International Labour Conference. Presentation of the Report of the Committee on the Application of Standards. 12 June 2014 (Spanish)

PDF: Statement by the Government of Colombia. Global Dialogue Forum on Challenges to Collective Bargaining in the Public Service. April 2014 (Spanish)

PDF: Statement by the Government of Colombia at the ILO Governing Body  on the. Reform plan of action in the area of human resources management: Update

March 2014. (Spanish)

PDF: Statement by the Government of Colombia at the ILO  Governing Body on the follow-up to the Tripartite Technical Meeting on Labour Migration.  March 2014 (Spanish)