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Cancilleria de Colombia

Misión permanente de Colombia ante las Naciones Unidas en Ginebra


It is the only intergovernmental organization with a mandate and a global significance in the field of migration. It was established in 1951 as the Intergovernmental Committee for the Movement of Migrants from Europe (PICMME) after the Second World War to help European governments in the resettlement countries of an estimated 11 million people uprooted by the war. It changed its name to the Intergovernmental Committee for European Migration (ICEM) in 1952 and finally, in 1989, it became the International Organization for Migration (IOM). Its current Constitution has its roots in the ICEM 1953 Constitution and has been amended in 1987, when the Organization was renamed the International Organization for Migration in 1998, amendments which came into force in November 2013. On 21 November 2013, the Executive Committee was abolished.

IOM governing bodies:

  • The Council of universal membership, is the highest authority and it determines IOM policies. Its main functions are those relating to policies, programs and activities of the Organization; to guide the management of its subsidiary bodies; to guide the Director General; to approve the budget; and to adopt measures to achieve the objectives of the Organization.
  • The Standing Committee on Programs and Finance (SCPF) is the only subcommittee of the Council. It is open to the entire membership. Its mandate relates to policies, programs and activities of the Organization, as well as to the annual reports of the Director General. It deals mainly with the Financial Report and with administrative, financial and budgetary matters, including the scale of assessments of member states. It can submit recommendations or proposals to the Council or the Director General.

One of the Organization’s main features is that more than 97 percent of staff members are located in the regions or centers of administration, which implies working on projects in the field.

Colombia and the IOM

Colombia is a priority country for IOM. In our country, the Organization has the widest presence and the biggest Field Office worldwide.

Colombia became a Member State of IOM on October 10, 1955. The Constitution of CIME (currently IOM) was approved through Act 13 April 15, 1961.

  • The organization has acted very actively on the issue of "Land Restitution".
  • It has worked very closely with the National Commission for Reparation and Reconciliation in the generation of pilot projects which have built different platforms to meet the objectives of the "Law on Victims and Land Restitution”.
  • It has accompanied the process of reintegrating former combatants.
  • It has complemented the actions taken by the Colombian state entities during natural disasters that have severely affected the civilian population.
  • It has increased its involvement with state agencies committed to combating and preventing human trafficking.
  • It has designed programs and supported the government efforts to prevent the recruitment of children.

PDF: Statement by the Colombian Delegation at IOM 103rd Council, Nov 2013. (Spanish)

PDF: Statement by the Colombian Delegation at the event: “Migrant’s voices” IOM Council, November 2013 (Spanish)

PDF: Statement by the Colombian Delegation at the IOM Standing Committee on Programs and Finances, Item 11 A of the agenda. June 2014. (Spanish)

PDF: Statement by the Colombian Delegation at the IOM Standing Committee on Programs and Finances, Item 11 B of the agenda. June 2014. (Spanish)

PDF: Statement by the Colombian Delegation at the IOM Standing Committee on Programs and Finances, Item 12 of the agenda. June 2014. (Spanish)