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Cancilleria de Colombia

Misión permanente de Colombia ante las Naciones Unidas en Ginebra


United Nations Conference on Trade and Development - UNCTAD

Organ established via the Resolution 1995 (XIX) of the General Assembly of the United Nations, dated 30th of December of 1964. Its’ immediate antecedent was the celebration of the World Conference celebrated in Geneva, from March until June of that year, known as UNCTAD I, in which Colombia participated. The Conference is composed by the 194 UN Member States.

It acts as forum, which reflects about the different aspects related to development, in particular reference to international trade. It elaborates recommendations and analysis to the national policymakers, promoting macroeconomic policies that can help eliminate the economical global inequalities, allowing sustainable development and therefore attending the needs of the citizens. It also provides technical assistance to developing countries and those in transition for capacity building.

Colombia in UNCTAD

Colombia participates in its national capacity and via the regional group of Latin America and the Caribbean and via the G77+China. The G77 group was created as an outcome of the first UNCTAD Conference, nowadays having 133 Member States.

The main organs of UNCTAD are the Ministerial Conference (celebrated every four years) and the Trade and Development Board (annual meeting).

Member States participate as well in the following Commissions; i) Trade and Development, ii) Investment, Enterprise and Development, and iii) Science and Technology for Development (ECOSOC).

Intergovernmental Expert Group meetings also take place frequently on different subject matters.

Statements of Colombia

PDF: General Statement of Colombia at the Ministerial Conference in Doha - UNCTAD XIII (21-26/04/2012) (Spanish)